
Showing posts from October, 2015

Digital Humanities Course Wiki

Digital Humanities Course Wiki Here are the links of my works: 1. Digital Humanities Project- Holocaust History Project 2. Digital Humanities Tool- Scratch 3. Digital Humanties Method- Humanties Gaming

Just Call it History Rhetorical Analysis

Just Call it History Introduction In the book Net Smart by Howard Rheingold, he restates philosopher-activist John Dewey’s belief that to resolve the citizen’s ignorance is “through better public education and better informed through better journalism (61).” This statement reminds me of history and how many people are ignorant in this type of subject because of cultural misperceptions and biases. In digital writing environments we do not seem to think about history with technology. When we think of history we think of solely the traditional applications, only seen in print medium, but history lies alongside with the technological advancements. The History Channel , for example, has made improvements in their network and has manage to get their audience to continue to watch their shows and likings. I argue that the History Channel has demonstrated their adaption to the change toward digital media and has improved its approach of presenting the past on its website and on TV.