Reading Response #6

Reading Response #6 Spreadable Media Ch. 2, 3

1.     YouTube is a digital writing environment in terms that users can upload videos where they can carry valuable information for any audience. It is a perfect medium for spreadable media, which is a necessary factor in a digital writing environment. The author shares that YouTube has been beneficial as an educational tool. Many users upload videos that teach people around the world about anything that people can think about. YouTube is similar to Snap Chat, a digital writing environment, because people are connected globally and become aware of the different cultures from a visual medium. YouTube also uses visual representation such as videos and has a participatory culture. This participation includes posting comments on how the people felt about the video and can share their likings. The people can report videos that they feel are morally incorrect. An activity similarly seen in Wikipedia and there is a check and balance so the Tragedy of the commons can be controlled. The social media, YouTube, can be understood because it contains a search engine where users can find something specific or want a general list of a certain topic. Depending on what the users search there are videos posted that may interest them like how Netflix tries to give users recommendations of what movies they want to see from how they rate certain movies or like Pandora where it contains a history of music they like.
2.     Engaging with television texts in a social context constitute skilled labor because we are actively watching and we absorb content from commercials. There is a connection between work and commodity. Work is seen in doing something that is displeasing to a person, but work can be a commodity and enjoyable. According to the author, work is done even when watching the television. Between each show there are commercials that target a specific audience such as the History Channel where the advertisers target men who do not watch sports channels or those who are not on public television as much. We become the workers and advertise their product because specifically commercial are replayed so much that we have them memorized. One constraint is maintaining the “workers” engagement or attention span, but to be a skilled labor there needs to be some participation in social context. For instance, shows such as Dancing with the Stars and the Voice people need to vote for their favorite competitors. There is a skilled labor because there is an engagement through voting and in the show Voice people can tweet their comments on the television. An example of taking time to share our own perspective of each singer and give our own opinions.


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