Special Collections Internship at the University of Central Florida

Week 7 The Tree of Life What Fell Off the Tree.... After I organized the volumes of encyclopedias that Jose Guerra Alemán published, I continued to go work backward with the boxes. In Box 11, I found a handwritten letter from Jose Guerra Alemán's Aunt Noemi Alemán and she is the sister of his mother, Herminia Alemán. This letter contained the history of Jose Braulio Alemán's parents and Maria Valdes' parents. It was all what Noemi knew and what she was told by her other family members. The letter is six pages long that also includes personal comments such as how much she loves Jose Guerra Alemán and how he should take care of himself (Fig.1). I was excited to find this piece of document because a couple of days ago I started to build Alemán's family tree so I could get a better idea of who he was and to help me write his biography. I want to include as many primary sources as I can. However, I struggled to read the letter because it was in her point of view. I would...